What we offer at Restart Tuition

At Restart Tuition, we offer a range of programmes at times to suit your families needs. The majority of our provision is small groups (maximum of 6 per group) where learners have the opportunity to work in a positive learning environment. You will find more details about our current provision here:

Tutoring Packages for all needs

Most Popular

Small Group Tutoring

(Online or in Person)

£20 per session

Suitable for students aiming towards exam points (GCSE or KS3 SATS)

Learn with a group of peers to address common misconceptions

Focussed on getting students up to a high achieving grade

Term Time Only

Access to CenturyTech Learning Platform Included (From January)

Booked in half term blocks (non-refundable)

1-1 Tutoring

(Online or in Person)

£50 per session

Our premium service focused on giving the best quality intervention for your child

Fully 1-1 individual lessons to support your child beyond the curriculum

Focused on specific areas based on your child’s individual weaknesses and needs

Ideal for students with additional learning needs and additional requirements

Access to CenturyTech Learning Platform included (From January)

Flexible terms and conditions (24 hours notice for cancellation)

We offer discounted rates for daytime provision during the day in the week